Nacimiento de huitzilopochtli pdf

Sin embargo, otros relatos miticos no dejan lugar a dudas. Huitzilopochtli around 1,000 years ago, the aztecs left their home of aztlan and followed their patron, huitzilopochtli, to a new land and way of life. You can find a print of this painting on my etsy store at this link. The birth of huitzilopochtli, patron god of the aztecs this is a teocuitatl, divine song, a sort of epic poem in which the birth of huitzilopochtli is recalled.

He appeared in dreams to the priests and told them to settle on an island, in the middle of lake texcoco, where they would see an eagle perching on a cactus. Here are some of my paintings exploring mexica, or aztec, sacred narrative and spirituality. Huitzilopochtli is known as the portentous one, the god who indicated to the aztecsmexica where they should build their great capital city, tenochtitlan. The birth of huitzilopochtli, patron god of the aztecs pdf. Originally he was of little importance to the nahuas, but after the rise of the aztecs, tlacaelel reformed their religion and put huitzilopochtli at the same level as quetzalcoatl, tlaloc, and tezcatlipoca, making him a solar god. In this image, four arrows protrude from the round shield. Both the codex magliabechiano and sahaguan mention the importance of huitzilopochtli s weapons. Huitzilopochtli y guadalupe universidad autonoma metropolitana. The ascension of mount coatepetl by coyolxauhqui and the. Huitzilopochtli simple english wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

The birth of huitzilophochtli, patron god of the aztecs. In the aztec religion, huitzilopochtli is a deity of war, sun, human sacrifice, and the patron of the. For generations they travelled in seven tribes called calpultin, one of which was especially favoured by huitzilopochtli. The portentous patron god of the aztecs was the son of coatlicue, she of the skirt of serpents, a title. According to the myth, mount coatepetl is the place where huitzilopochtli, the main god of the. Her offspring, huitzilopochtli, learned of this plan while still in the womb, and before it was put into action, sprang from his mothers womb fully grown and fully armed and killed his sister coyolxauhqui, together with many of his 400 brothers and sisters.

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